Monday, February 1, 2016

Iowa Caucuses Give GOP a Chance to Right Ship

Cruz 27, Trump 24, Rubio 23
My take:
Rubio's surge brings the end of the clown show near. The Governors will soon be gone, and we'll be left with Cruz who is so dislikable that he's unelectable and the loser Trump who -though he conceded "manfully" - will be graceless in defeat, and is unacceptable even to Fox News. So the GOP moneybags will now declare Rubio the last hope and he'll become the nominee.
Sanders strong showing will make a horse race of it for a while. His supporters will be energized and hopeful. I hope they'll turn out for Hillary when she faces off against Rubio in November. He'll be formidable.  He was poor, played football, went to law school, is goodlooking, married a cheerleader and talks the GOP talk in a disciplined way. - GWC

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